OK today my house is going to host the annual family gathering (?) hahahahaha and I haven't cleaned my bedroom yet, books, magazines, and DVDs everywhere! Finally I've managed to watch the-most-anticipating-movie-ever (I agree!) Slumdog Millionaire! Actually I have one, but the picture is so inadequate and it stopped in the middle of the movie, so I reckon the DVD is broken. Therefore, I watched in my class with in-focus despite of the fact that it didn't produce any sounds. And then fortunately my friend called me and told me she was in the DVD corner in Ambassador Mall so I asked her to do a favor for me. My friend also lent me the complete season of Grey's Anatomy season 2, but I was a little dizzy with the order because it seems jumbled. But that isn't a major problem so just watch it and relate it with the previous episode from season 1. And I've finished watching 'Notting Hill' but it wasn't that satisfiable because I don't know whether the DVD is broken or the story itself wasn't that good. The story was about a major hollywood actress who happened to bump into a small yet quite unsuccessful book shop in Notting Hill and then the owner of the bookshop accidentally spilled orange juice to her and then he asked her to come over to his house to clean it up and then they fell in love but they had to receive the fact that she lived in beverly hills and  he lived in notting hill. I just enjoyed the setting of the movie, which is Notting Hill, in London! Hahaha have I mentioned about my fondness about London and beyond? Hahaha btw I have finally found the exact choices for university application: it's going to be medicine, dentistry, psychology and french literature! Haha btw if you guys are wondering why do I wake up so early (8 am is not that early actually, but in my routine during weekends, it's so damn early), it's just because I want to download the full album of Jonas Brothers' Music from the 3D concert experience. hahahahha THEY WILL COME HERE ON DECEMBER ! amiiin btw the calculus exam was hard, I only managed to fill 6 out of 10 but I answered all although I couldn't find the 'finishing touch' nor the answer. hmmph :(

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