Vampire's teeth got stuck in my mind

Frankly, I don't like Twilight just because I don't enjoy the first movie. For me it is just a piece of average movie which will be certainly better if I just watch on DVD, counterfeit DVD for sure. And I don't like the book as well, it's like too descriptive and less imaginative and yet so cheesy, you fall in love with a vampire, and you have to risk your life for it. And I don't like Robert Pattinson in the movie, he's completely vain, acting like he's the sexiest guy on earth (well maybe according to some polls, yes you are, b
ut not for me, d'oooh). Oh yeah with the rumors surrounding him about his relationship with Kristen Stewart (I don't like her as well, she's like trying to be 'this' edgy but for me you're not 'that' edgy) and even dubbed as Robsten, another portmanteau and his million dollar kiss-on-the-cheek, and his crazy fans, etc. I like him better as Cedric Diggory, as I'm a keen fan of Harry Potter. But when he played as Cedric, he was so fresh and so young, and also less-known. OK, enough about RPattz.

Two weeks ago I saw on Twitter, people who live in the US were tweeting about the vampire diaries. And they all said the pilot episode was wonderful. So I searched on wikipedia directly with my blackberry and then I found out that it was a new TV series on the CW, just premiered yesterday. So as soon as I arrived at home, I opened youtube and typed the vampire diaries on the query box. And then I watched it. And I was stunned by it. The plot is slightly similar with Twilight, but with exciting new cast and two vampire brothers. And the set is very medieval and gothic, not a modern day vampire with fast cars and minimalist house on top of the hill. And Ian Somerhalder is so gorgeous! Haha remember his early days on Young American alongside Kate Bosworth?

Since then I'm addicted to anything related to vampire, to be honest I just saw few trailers of New Moon, and I reckon it will be much better than Twilight, of course with more appearances from Taylor Lautner haha and the Volturi clan, which will definitely add more vampirish ambience. Then last week I went to Periplus to check out some new books and I really want to buy 'Blue Blood' by Melissa de la Cruz, but I'll buy it later because I saw a great offer by Kinokuniya (two editions of Grey's Anatomy official magazine, half price). It's like Gossip Girl with vampire bits. Oh and I'm really craving for Interview with the Vampire, starring Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt. I guess the movie will be totally worth watching, since there are an abundance of A-list stars.

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