Poetry task

This is a poem that I wrote for English assignment, I should tell you I really can't write a poem, even in Indonesian. Metaphor, personification, or whatsoever, I just can't seem to understand. Guess I'm not likely to major in literature, simply because I can't write a poem and I always have a hard time to understand one.

It all starts with rhyming words

Which buzzing around in my mind like a group of bees

And as the clock ticks so swift

I crumble my 20th paper and feel like a total spendthrift

Then I grab my 21st paper of the day

And start to scribble down my dismay

But it didn’t turn out into a poetic writing

Instead it was just an illegible writing

Suddenly one hour just passed by

And I guess I should say bye-bye

Because I can’t write a poetry

Since I’m no Shakespeare, even if I try

Denita Biyanda XII IPA 1

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