Java Jazz Festival 2009 and Sky Battle 2009
OMG. Tomorrow is Friday the 6th, it means...the first day of Java Jazz Festival 2009. Yaaaaayyyy! My plan for tomorrow is run as fast as I could after the bell rings, but..unfortunately there is going to be some kind of preparation for Sky Battle 2009. Sky Battle 2009 is an annual event held by the recurring Student's Council or you can say it is a huge event because the committee are not only recruited from Student's Council, but also almost the whole Year 11 and 10 students. Wow, now that's what we called a huge event. Btw, speaking about Sky Battle 2009, it is actually a sport competition such as basketball and soccer, but we also have photography, movie-making, dancing, and wall-climbing. The tagline for this year's Sky Battle is "Even Sky is Not The Limit" and the theme for this event is "Prehistoric". On the final day, few well-known bands are going to perform on the main stage. So, don't forget to attend this fascinating event!
Speaking of Java Jazz, I only spent Rp 200.000,- to attend Java Jazz Festival 2009 for 2 days (Friday and Saturday). I was so lucky because I won the quiz. Rp 200.000,- is very cheap for a worldwide and well-known festival like that. Beside that, the regular price for the daily pass is above Rp 200.000,-. So let's make it clear that I am very lucky! LOL :D. Btw, I'm going to stay at my auntie's house in Tanah Abang because it is easier to get there after watching Java Jazz. Otherwise, my auntie and my cousin are going to watch the Friday's special show a.k.a Jason Mraz a.k.a Mr. A-Z. Woooow don't forget to spill the reports for me guys! Hahahaha hey btw right now I'm currently reading 'Confession of a Shopaholic', another masterpiece for Sophie Kinsella :). You should read it too!
The beginning of March= What a month! Geezzz.
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