
Hello pals I want to be very quick on this one so I don't mean to brag or be smug but I just wanna say that you can see the online version of Youthspeak, a supplement from The Jakarta Post where I usually write my article(s).

Here is the link:

If you want to go straight to my articles, here are some:
Trick or Treat article (October 09)
Literature and silver screen article (October 09)

I think they haven't uploaded the latest edition, where I wrote an article about the vampire trend throughout the media. Don't forget to mention New Moon. OH-M-G

And actually I did attend the Youthspeak meeting at Sate House Senayan with the entire crew, it was great! I had a chance to know the people who work behind Youthspeak and I got the Jakarta Post readers card with lots of privileges and discount (talking about freebies, I got some!) I canceled my encounter for this, but it was worth attending to expand my networking.

Don't forget to attend Youthspeak Fun Day on November 22 at ISCI Ciputat! Meet lots of foreigners (including JIS students, I know you guys fancy them) and also RAN will be performing there! Be there! for more info, click here.

Keep reading!

TTYL, got chemistry exam later on!

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Poetry task

This is a poem that I wrote for English assignment, I should tell you I really can't write a poem, even in Indonesian. Metaphor, personification, or whatsoever, I just can't seem to understand. Guess I'm not likely to major in literature, simply because I can't write a poem and I always have a hard time to understand one.

It all starts with rhyming words

Which buzzing around in my mind like a group of bees

And as the clock ticks so swift

I crumble my 20th paper and feel like a total spendthrift

Then I grab my 21st paper of the day

And start to scribble down my dismay

But it didn’t turn out into a poetic writing

Instead it was just an illegible writing

Suddenly one hour just passed by

And I guess I should say bye-bye

Because I can’t write a poetry

Since I’m no Shakespeare, even if I try

Denita Biyanda XII IPA 1

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